
Archive for March 2, 2018

03/02/2018 – Ephemeris – Jeopardy type quiz at the GTAS meeting tonight

March 2, 2018 Comments off

Ephemeris for Friday, March 2nd. The Sun will rise at 7:18. It’ll be up for 11 hours and 13 minutes, setting at 6:31. The Moon, 1 day past full, will rise at 7:29 this evening.

A Starpardy quiz will be held this evening between the NMC Astronomy Club and the Grand Traverse Astronomical Society at this evening’s meeting of the society at 8 p.m. at Northwestern Michigan College’s Rogers Observatory. I’ll be Alex Trebek for this Jeopardy style quiz. The society will accept anyone to help either side. These NMC students are smart.

After the Starpardy quiz there will be a star party starting at 9 p.m. On tap if its clear will be the Moon plus Orion and its great nebula, a star nursery only 1400 light years away will be a wonderful sight with its clouds and wisps of gas and dust illuminated by a clutch of hot baby stars. The Observatory is located south of Traverse City on Birmley Road off either Garfield or Keystone roads.

The times given are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan. They may be different for your location.

Starpardy XII title slide