
Posts Tagged ‘Movie Night’

Ephemeris: 04/12/2024 – GTAS Meeting tonight: Hidden Figures

April 12, 2024 Comments off

This is Ephemeris for Friday, April 12th. Today the Sun will be up for 13 hours and 22 minutes, setting at 8:24, and it will rise tomorrow at 7:01. The Moon, 3 days before first quarter, will set at 1:52 tomorrow morning.

Tonight’s meeting of the Grand Traverse Astronomical Society at 8 pm, at Northwestern Michigan College’s Rogers Observatory, will feature the student astronomy group’s movie night with a presentation of Hidden Figures. How female African American “Computers”, made the space program possible. Many of NASA’s facilities were in the segregated South. Back then computers were also people with tremendous math skills, who could work out problems of orbital mechanics by hand and with mechanical calculators. Plus we’ll see if anyone has made it back to report on Monday’s total solar eclipse. The observatory is located south of Traverse City on Birmley Road between Garfield and Keystone roads.

The astronomical event times given are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan (EDT, UT–4 hours). They may be different for your location.


Hidden Figures Promo photo
Hidden Figures Promo photo
Hidden Figures actresses with the real persons they portrayed
Hidden Figures actresses with the real women they portrayed. Credit: SEDS-UOC, Sri Lanka