
Archive for April 9, 2024

Ephemeris: 04/09/24 – When is the next solar eclipse?

April 9, 2024 Comments off

This is Ephemeris for Tuesday, April 9th. Today the Sun will be up for 13 hours and 13 minutes, setting at 8:21, and it will rise tomorrow at 7:06. The Moon, 1 day past new, will set at 9:58 this evening.

I hope you’ve had a good eclipse and were able to view it. I don’t know if you saw the eclipse or if I saw the eclipse since this is being recorded before the events. However, it’s time to look at the next time you might be able to see a solar eclipse. Our next Great American Eclipse isn’t for 21 years on August 12th 2045, which I won’t make, guaranteed. But we have some other minor solar eclipses visible in our area before that eclipse. Our next eclipse will be about 11% eclipse that’ll occur August 12th of 2026, just two years away. It’s not much compared to the 89% yesterday for our area. There will be an even tinier eclipse on January 26th of 2028. Just 2.5% of the Sun’s diameter will be covered. The best of the next three eclipses occurs on January 14th 2029, when the Moon encroaches on 69% of the Sun’s diameter. There are five more partial eclipses visible before 2045.

The astronomical event times given are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan (EDT, UT–4 hours). They may be different for your location.


Eclipse maximum for the Grand Traverse Region, August 12, 2026.
Eclipse maximum for the Grand Traverse Region, August 12, 2026. Created using Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts).
Eclipse maximum for the Grand Traverse Region, January 26, 2028.
Eclipse maximum for the Grand Traverse Region, January 26, 2028. Created using Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts).
Eclipse maximum for the Grand Traverse Region, January 14, 2029. Created using Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts).
Eclipse maximum for the Grand Traverse Region, January 14, 2029. Created using Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts).