
Archive for May 24, 2024

Ephemeris: 05/24/2024 – The twilight zone

May 24, 2024 1 comment

This is Ephemeris for Friday, May 24th. Today the Sun will be up for 15 hours and 9 minutes, setting at 9:14, and it will rise tomorrow at 6:04. The Moon, 1 day past full, will rise at 11:06 this evening.

Let’s take a look at twilight, despite the fact it doesn’t end until 1132 PM. Of course the bright Moon will rise before then. By the 12th of June astronomical twilight will end at midnight and a couple of days before the summer solstice it will have extended itself to 12:05 AM. The Moon tonight will rise in the middle of astronomical twilight so we’ll get about 1/2 hour or so of semi dark sky viewing from about 10:37 PM to moonrise at 11:07. There are three intervals of twilight. Civil twilight which is the period between sunset and when the Sun is 6° below the horizon. Nautical twilight extends to when the Sun is 12° below the horizon, and astronomical twilight which ends when the Sun is 18° below the horizon.

The astronomical event times given are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan (EDT, UT–4 hours). They may be different for your location


Credit: TWCarlson, CC BY-SA 3.0 <;, via Wikimedia Commons