Home > Ephemeris Program > 06/09/2016 – Ephemeris – Waiting for the first stars to appear

06/09/2016 – Ephemeris – Waiting for the first stars to appear

June 9, 2016

Ephemeris for Thursday, June 9th.  Today the Sun will be up for 15 hours and 30 minutes, setting at 9:27, and it will rise tomorrow at 5:56.  The Moon, 3 days before first quarter, will set at 12:59 tomorrow morning.

Lets look at the first stars and planets to appear tonight as it gets dark.  The first object to appear will be the fat crescent Moon in the southwest.  The planet Jupiter will be the next to appear after sunset left and above the Moon.  Mars, low in the southeast will appear reddish, shortly thereafter.  Looking very high in the southeast, the fourth brightest nighttime star will appear.  This will be Arcturus with an orange hue.  Saturn should appear to the left and below Mars.  Soon other stars will appear including the Big Dipper overhead.  Other bright stars will appear, the summer star Vega low in the northeast. Regulus between Jupiter and the Moon and Spica between Jupiter and Mars.

Times are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan. They may be different for your location.


The first stars and planets to appear after sunset

The sky at about 10 p.m. or a little later, watching the first stars and planets appear. Created using Stellarium. If viewing using Firefox right-click on the image and select View Image to enlarge.