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Ephemeris: 06/19/2024 – Where have the naked-eye planets wandered off to this week?

June 19, 2024

This is Ephemeris for Juneteenth, Wednesday, June 19th. Today the Sun will be up for 15 hours and 34 minutes, setting at 9:31, and it will rise tomorrow at 5:57. The Moon, 2 days before full, will set at 4:15 tomorrow morning.
Let’s find out where the naked-eye planets have wandered off to this week, and see what planets are left. Venus and Mercury are too close to the direction of the Sun to be seen. Both are on the evening side of the Sun, but lost in its glare. It will appear in the evening sky next month. By 5:15 tomorrow morning, or about 45 minutes before sunrise, Saturn will be in the southeast and Mars will be lower in the east, and Jupiter will be very low in the east-northeast. In telescopes, Saturn will look fairly different this year and next with its rings nearly edge on to us. Saturn will rise at 1:35 am, Mars at 3:19 am, and Jupiter, making its first morning appearance, will rise at 4:38 am.

The astronomical event times given are for the Traverse City/Interlochen area of Michigan (EDT, UT–4 hours). They may be different for your location.


The Moon as it might appear in binoculars or a small telescope tonight
The Moon as it might appear in binoculars or a small telescope at 11 PM tonight, June 19th 2024. Selected features are labeled. Created using Stellarium, LibreOffice Draw, and GIMP.

Translations of some lunar feature names according to Virtual Moon Atlas

Lacus Mortis – Lake of Death
Lacus Somniorum – Lake of Dreams
Mare Cognitum – Sea of Knowledge
Mare Crisium – Sea of Crises
Mare Fecunditatis – Sea of Fruitfulness
Mare Frigoris – Sea of Cold
Mare Humorum – Sea of Moisture
Mare Imbrium – Sea of Showers
Mare Nectaris – Sea of Nectar
Mare Nubium – Sea of Clouds
Mare Serenitatis – Sea of Serenity
Mare Tranquillitatis – Sea of Tranquility
Mare Vaporum – Sea of Vapors
Montes Alpes – Alps Mountains
Montes Apenninus – Apennines Mountains
Oceanus Procellarum – Ocean of Storms
Sinus Iridium – Bay of Rainbows
Sinus Medii – Central Bay
Sinus Roris – Bay of Moisture

Craters are named for persons, real or otherwise.

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter as they might be seen low in the east and southeastern sky about 45 minutes before sunrise, tomorrow morning
Saturn, Mars and Jupiter as they might be seen low in the east and southeastern sky at 5:15 AM, or about 45 minutes before sunrise, tomorrow morning June 20, 2024. Saturn will rise at 1:31 AM, Mars at 3:14 AM, and Jupiter at 4:31 AM. Click or tap on the image to enlarge it. Created using Stellarium.
Telescopic Saturn and Jupiter
Telescopic Saturn and Jupiter (north up) as they would be seen in a small telescope at 5 AM June 20th 2024 with the same magnification. Apparent diameters: Saturn 17.57″, its rings 40.95″; Mars, too small to be represented here, is 5.25″; Jupiter 33.20″. Note the ” means seconds of arc, or 1/3600th of a degree. Created using Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts).
Telescopic Saturn and Jupiter
The naked-eye planets and the Moon at sunset and sunrise on a single night, starting with sunset on the right on June 19, 2023. The night ends on the left with sunrise on the 20th. Click or tap on the image to enlarge it. Created using my LookingUp app and GIMP.